Tuesday, December 1, 2009


The holiday weekend flew by. On Thursday, mom enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal at my house along with my husband's family. Then, on Saturday, we gathered with my dad's family for desserts and a movie. It was fun getting together with so many family members. Mom really enjoyed herself. We were a little worried that she wouldn't be up for all the festivities, because she'd been feeling a little weak. Since she began her new chemo cycles, she hasn't had much of an appetite and her energy level has been low.

Thankfully we found out the reason for her loss of energy yesterday when she went in for a chemo treatment. The nurses ran her blood work and her red blood cell count came back really low. They've been watching her blood count for some time now, but this was the first time it fell below 8.0. We were told before that she'd have to have a blood transfusion if it fell below 8.0. Her blood cell count was 7.1. So, that explained her loss of appetite and especially her loss of energy. The nurses canceled her chemo and scheduled a blood transfusion.

Today, mom went in for her blood transfusion. They gave her two bags of blood. Each bag took 3 hours. They were able to give her the blood through her port as well. Everything went well. She didn't have any immediate reactions to the new blood. The nurses noted that her hands and face were a little pink after the transfusion, which I guess is a good thing. Mom went home after the transfusion and rested. So far, she's been feeling fine. She is scheduled to receive her next chemo treatment on Monday.

Please be praying that her body continues to respond well to the blood transfusion and that her energy level increases.

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